Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Free Tea E-zine: The Leaf

I just wanted to post a link I just found to a free tea e-zine called "The Leaf." I haven't read it all yet, but I thought it was interesting enough to share here. Enjoy!



Philippe said...


I added your blog to my tea links... Perhaps you already know LA GALETTE DE THÉ. I hope you will do the same for me ;-)

Kind regards,



Brent said...

I just added you to my links, thanks for the comment!

Je peux comprendre seulement un peu de votre blog (je n'ai pas étudié le français depuis le lycée), mais vos photos sont très jolies!

That took much longer to write than I would like to admit! Anyway, thanks again for the link– I'll have to work on my french. :)

Philippe said...

Thanks a lot.
Merci beaucoup !!

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